Saturday, May 26, 2007

@ :)

Silence invites thought. Sitting here in a significant corner of the house…. I cant help but think about a certain Sunday morning … on the august of 2004….at around 9:00 am…

I wait alone amidst a crowd… college boys and gals standing in groups… most people seem to have made friends already… so I stand there …feeling insignificant…sleepy and angry as hell that I missed my breakfast…. But little did I know that the day was going to change my life forever… It certainly did …so here goes…

So I stand there wondering when they will let us into the building and tell us why we got into this organization…what we were suppo to do… and what was to happen from there on…

What did I expect? A tall semi bald man wearing business clothes addressing us about the organization and assigning our jobroles.

MAN was I a fool or what! What was to come was a complete contrast to that! The people who run the organization were college students… I smirked the moment I realized what I got myself into! I wanted ‘the’ perfect part time job that would be a beauty in my CV… at that time….all one would think bout is getting into a decent B School and settle in life…

So here goes…what happened behind closed doors is suppo to be a well guarded secret… (don think too much….nothing over the top…lol)

At the end of that day… I did not know if I liked the day or hated it… but I had never felt the way I did… what was to come I did not know…

2 1/2 years passed by…

It was my last day as a member in AIESEC…the world’s largest ..youth run, professional organization…

I cried like never before… this experience is once in a lifetime… I am so glad I didn judge the organization day 1 .. I gave it time.. I gave myself time in it… and what I have learnt is just BEAUTIFUL… an experience that nothing can replace…


Am I Who said...

nice tone of suspense in it... it took me a while to realize you're gonna be talking about aisec!
very nice :)

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

also, you said you'd call! you could atleast mail! i wanna hear all about this XLRI business!

Unknown said...

i knew u were talking about aisec all along, i know how much it meant to u... :)

Unbiased Opinionz said...

@ gari gal - aww ehhe

@akx - wi u first mail me n gimme gossip ya

@ ice - hm ya it did mean a LOT to me... maybe dont talk about it much.. but yea :)

Susmita said...

Ei! what sitting in s'pore also you want bleddy gossip aa! Ei too much for you okay, keep in the mouth. ei ei ei, okay, write post about gathering gossip ya, the methods and means,. fun that will be.

Anonymous said...

very very well written sruthi
keep up the gud work

Unbiased Opinionz said...

hey ashwath... thanks for that

Unbiased Opinionz said...

@ sus - heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nice post idea ya...wil do soon...

Gledwood said...

Hi you are officially the next blog along from me, so say blogger. I must say your posting is somewhat confusing ... at first glance I cannot tell what you are talking about ... then I see you are outside a building... why don't you make this clear at the top of the post? Sorry to criticize but I do a photoless blog - ie just text. Everybody I mention I am sure to explain who they are (unlike almost every other blogger I know) and everything I do I explain background to. Otherwise nobody will get what you're saying. Come on think about it! If you wanna find me I'm at gledwood2.blogspot. Your'e welcome to drop by any time. See you later hopefully

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