Friday, July 4, 2008

Cheap Thrills :-)

Calling a fellow woman "machannnnnnn" when a conventional looking mami's around...

Cutting chai with butter biscuit in the road side tea kadai opposite college! :-)

Begging road side anna-kadai "anna" to give us all discount on PP ;)

Haggling with the auto guys for twenty bucks discount and 'winning' :D :D

The kick when the same auto guy recognizes you the next day as the woman who haggled with him the previous day ... lol...

Taking a bus to the other end of the city to kill time

Asking the local librarian for a book that i am SURE he hasn heard of (just to feel more educated :P)

Morning beach trips just to comment on random couples getting all cozy (pretty vetti i kno :P)

Getting lost in usman road and asking a frnd in another city to give u directions...

Laughing my LOUD laugh in class... ;)

Laughing with the laughter club in marina beach... lol...

The kick when someone recognises you as the gal with the "bure bure" ring tone... ha ha!

Meeting an oldddddddddddd friend after severalllll years just to catch up :-)

Random lingo - 'ei','ya''esssss'


Virtual Epiphany said...

u used to take a bus to another end of the city...same punch:D

Virtual Epiphany said...

am surprised we did the same things in good old grad days[:D]

Am I Who said...

Harini: fuck
freakin cute post

Sruthi: ?

Harini: *kissess*

Sruthi: lol
so say so there :P

said so here :P

Am I Who said...

that was our gtalk convo, btw...
for all those readers that are raising eyebrows on reading my comment (i'm assuming you did).

Unknown said...

awww... look whose blogs alive again! i shud remember to check back more often :)

Smruthi Rajagopalan said...

eii ess ya..much fun :)